International Festival & Potluck

Friday, September 20, 2024, 5:30-8pm at Creekside Elementary 

A Celebration of Cultures

Potluck Dinner!

Student Parade!

Meet & Connect!

Featuring . . .

A Taekwondo demonstration from Louisville Taekwondo Family Center

Potluck Dinner! Bring food to share from your country/culture. Water/lemonade will be provided. Please be sure to label food with any allergens and double (or triple!) recipes if possible.

Photo Booth! We will be featuring a photo booth setup for kids to have their picture taken using Creekside’s student-made collection of international flags and anything else they’d like to bring from home to represent themselves.

Posters! Students are encouraged to make posters about their family’s country of origin, and bring them to school Sept. 16–19 to be hung in the Heart. 

Student parade! Students will have the opportunity to participate in a parade using large world continent signs. Kids who volunteer will get to speak briefly on stage - for example saying hello in a world language they speak or naming the country/countries/culture(s) they represent. 


If you'd like to help with the event for this year, please sign up here.  

Thank You To Our Diamond Level Sponsor